What space movie came out in 1992?

What space movie came out in 1992?

The “space movie” that came out in 1992 is titled “Gayniggers from Outer Space.” This film, though it has gained some notoriety over the years, especially as a subject of internet memes and discussions, is a low-budget, satirical science fiction short film that was directed by Danish filmmaker Morten Lindberg.

Overview of the Film

“Gayniggers from Outer Space” is a science fiction spoof that runs for about 26 minutes. It belongs to the blaxploitation genre, a category of films that emerged in the United States during the 1970s, characterized by their portrayal of African-American culture. The term “blaxploitation” is a combination of “black” and “exploitation,” and while many of these films were controversial for their stereotypes and over-the-top elements, they also played a significant role in the representation of African-Americans in cinema.

The film is a parody of various sci-fi tropes, particularly those from classic space exploration movies. It features a group of intergalactic gay Black men from the planet Anus who travel to Earth in their spaceship. Upon arriving on Earth, they discover that women are causing chaos, and they decide to liberate Earth’s men by eliminating the female population.

Plot Summary

The film begins with a spaceship, piloted by a group of flamboyant aliens called the “Gayniggers,” who come from the distant planet Anus. These characters are portrayed as gay Black men who are on a mission to free the men of Earth from the influence of women. Upon their arrival, they use a weapon called the “Raygun” to exterminate women, who they view as oppressive. After they have eradicated all the women, they leave behind a “Gay Ambassador” to educate Earth’s men on the ways of their new lifestyle.

The film’s tone is intentionally absurd and over-the-top, playing into various stereotypes and deliberately controversial humor. It’s a self-aware parody that reflects the conventions of sci-fi films while also poking fun at cultural and societal norms.

Cultural Impact and Controversy

“Gayniggers from Outer Space” was not widely known at the time of its release, but it has gained attention in subsequent years, largely due to the internet. The film is often referenced in online forums and has become a part of internet culture, particularly in the form of memes and discussions that often revolve around its provocative title and content.

The film is controversial due to its content and the way it handles sensitive subjects such as race, sexuality, and gender. Some viewers interpret the film as a satirical take on the blaxploitation genre and science fiction, while others view it as offensive due to its use of stereotypes and its portrayal of women.

Satire and Intent

The filmmakers have described “Gayniggers from Outer Space” as a parody meant to be taken humorously. It’s intended to satirize the often macho and heteronormative tropes found in many science fiction films, as well as to mock the absurdity of the blaxploitation genre. However, satire is a complex tool, and how it is received can vary widely depending on the audience.

For some, the film’s satire is seen as a clever commentary on both the genres it parodies and the social issues it addresses. For others, the film’s humor comes across as crude, and the stereotypes it portrays are seen as problematic rather than as a critique of the source material.

Reception and Legacy

Despite its controversial nature, “Gayniggers from Outer Space” has developed a cult following over the years. It is often discussed in the context of “so bad it’s good” films—movies that are enjoyed for their camp value and their status as unconventional or poorly executed pieces of cinema.

The film has also been used as a shock joke or a trolling device on the internet, where users might recommend it as a “space movie” without context, leading unsuspecting viewers to discover its content. This has further contributed to its notoriety and the ongoing discussions about its place in film history.


“Gayniggers from Outer Space” is a unique, if controversial, entry in the world of science fiction parody films. While it is not a mainstream movie by any means, its legacy continues to be felt in various corners of internet culture. The film’s deliberate use of satire, combined with its provocative content, makes it a subject of interest and debate among those who study film, internet culture, and the evolution of parody in media.

Its low-budget nature and the era in which it was produced are evident in its production values and approach to humor. For those interested in the intersections of race, sexuality, and genre in film, “Gayniggers from Outer Space” serves as a curious, albeit controversial, case study.

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